Helping you make sense of the global economy with Islamic finance.

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Musings challenging our economic system

August 31, 2023

Keynesian economics and how this school of thought benefits politicians and heads of financial institutions. Putting into question this school of thought in economics and how the system benefits from Keynesian principles.

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Professor teaching keynesian economics without challenging the assumptions of this school of thought. Keynesian economics promotes ponzi economics pushing an economic system based on debt and credit that benefits politicians and heads of financial institutions. Keyensian econoics relies on a fractional reserve banking system that goes against islamic economics and islamic finance.
August 31, 2023

I discuss how economics is taught using assumptions that aren’t always true. I dissect the different schools of thoughts and why certain brances of economics are favoured over others.

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Rethinking economics and its assumptions. Discussing classical, neoclassical, keynesian and austrian economics. Relating this to islamic finance and islamic economics. Rethinking the economic problem and how perverse incentives by politicians push us to accept keynesian economics which is flawed. Linking this with islamic economics and islamic finance.
August 31, 2023

Islamic Finance needs practical and innovative solutions. We must focus on a bottoms-up approach where investors and businesses align to create real halal investment solutions that work their way up to solve issues for the larger economy.

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Bottoms up approach to Islamic finance where economic participants (investors and small businesses) can come together to create innovative solutions and financial products that will impact the economy positively. Islamic finance and islamic banking needs an overhaul to create real halal investment products that are shariah-compliant and follow the letter of the shariah in both form and spirit.